Professor Phil Wood, Chief Executive at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said: “We recognise the scale of the challenges facing the NHS and the need for the new Government to undertake a review of the national New Hospital Programme.
“Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has one of the oldest estates in the NHS which is not reflective of the world-class healthcare we provide for our patients and much of which at the LGI site is in need of urgent replacement. For some time now, the Trust has had well-developed plans to build a new hospital, to create a new home for Leeds Children’s Hospital, a new adults’ hospital and one of the largest, single-site maternity centres in the country.
“We have one of the most advanced, and ready to go schemes within the New Hospital Programme, with outline planning consent, considerable progress with our enabling and preparatory works and a cleared construction site. We will continue to work with the New Hospital Programme to demonstrate the strength and readiness of our plans and assess what this means for realistic timescales for delivering a new hospital to the people of Leeds and beyond”.