These reports can be downloaded from the library website. In 2024, over 1,150 articles with at least one LTHT author have already been published. The diverse range of articles reflects the exciting research activity across the Trust.
The latest publications report continues to showcase this diversity. Several recently published articles present the results of prominent large-scale clinical trials supported by LTHT, including the “Yorkshire Kidney Screening Trial” and “Echocardiographic Screening for Heart Failure and Optimization of the Care Pathway for Individuals with Pacemakers: A Randomized Controlled Trial.”
In addition to clinical trial results, LTHT staff have contributed to several recent systematic reviews, which are important research publications. Review authors must collate all relevant research addressing a specific question and appraise and synthesise the reported findings. These rigorous and time-consuming works are essential for ensuring that the evidence generated by research can effectively guide guidelines, practices, and future research.
A recent Cochrane review titled “Non-Surgical Interventions for Preventing Contralateral Tissue Loss and Amputation in Dysvascular Patients with a Primary Major Lower Limb Amputation,” co-authored by LTHT staff and colleagues from the University of Leeds, emphasises that “more research is needed into treatments to prevent harm to the remaining leg in this group.” Cochrane reviews include plain language summaries that explain the question, methods, and findings for non-specialist readers. These summaries are powerful tools to help research findings reach a wider audience and enhance patient and public engagement with research.
To access any journal articles behind paywalls, enter the article DOI at (select Leeds Teaching Hospitals as your organisation). Make sure you have an active OpenAthens Account for access to articles, and contact [email protected] with any queries.