- Eat and drink as normal.
- If you are a diabetic, eat and drink normally and take all usual medications.
- Wear comfortable clothes and leave valuables at home.
- Take all medications on the day of your surgery. If you use inhalers, please bring them with you.
- If you are taking Aspirin, Warfarin, Clopidrogel, Apixaban, Rivoraxaban or Dabigatran, please contact Ward J25 on: 0113 206 9125.
- If you have a query regarding your post operative appointment please contact the department on: 0113 518 1823.
- You should expect to stay for half a day but you may leave an hour after the operation.
- Please be aware you will be admitted to Ward J25 for your operation. A relative / friend can drop you off on the ward, then collect you after your surgery, they will not be able to stay on the ward with you. There is a coffee shop waiting area in Chancellor Wing reception.
- If you have any concerns after your operation, please consult you post operative sheet.