Welcome to the Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions Service at Leeds General Infirmary. The Inherited Cardiac Conditions service is based at the Yorkshire Heart Centre and the Regional Genetics Centre in Leeds. We are a specialised genetic and cardiac service covering the Yorkshire region and run by a dedicated multidisciplinary team.
The aims of our service
We look after patients and their families with a wide range of genetic conditions that affect the heart. These conditions are rare and may affect not only yourself but potentially other family members. We aim to provide information, risk assessment and appropriate screening for individuals and families who are suffering from or at risk of an inherited cardiac condition.
What to expect when you attend our clinic:
- Inherited conditions are often difficult to diagnose so we often need to do a number of tests on your heart.
- We try to do as many of these tests as possible during your 1st appointment. However this may not always be possible, ocassionally you may be required to have investigations in advance of or after your clinic appointment.
- You will see a Consultant or clinical nurse specialist, with allocated time to assess any symptoms, talk to you about your family and family tree, provide the results of any tests and discuss in detail further tests or treatment you might need.
- You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
- To fit all this in takes some time so please expect to be in the hospital for 3-4 hours.
- You will be given an information pack, which includes contact details, patient information about the relevant heart condition, information about supporting charities and information sheets for your relatives.
Additional information about tests
Back to topUseful information
Inherited Cardiac conditions may involve more than one member of the family. Prior to your appointment it may be useful to gather details of the medical history of family members. You may be contacted by one of our team to gather this information. This will also be an opportunity to explain more about the service and answer any immediate questions.
Examples of information which may be helpful:
- family tree, names, dates of birth and medical history of close relatives (if known)
- relevant death certificates, post mortem reports or photographs (if available)
Please do not worry if this information is not available as we may be able to request this at a later stage.
Back to topConfidentiality
All information received will be used to help with the clinical assessment and will be kept confidential.
As these conditions often run in families, it is important to be able to share some of your medical information with other family members. This is however your choice. We will check with you whether you are happy to share basic medical information with your relatives.
Back to topSupport and counselling
We offer support and counselling to individuals and families who are affected by inherited cardiac conditions and arrhythmias.
Support is available for those who have had a bereavement in the family due to sudden cardiac death. Also those who have been diagnosed with or are anxious about the potential risks of a hereditary cardiac condition.
Counselling support can be accessed at any time; it may be before attending the Inherited clinic or some time later, whenever it may help.
Back to topMeet the team
Meet the individuals who all work closely together to try and provide the very best service that we can. This multidisciplinary approach is one of the strengths of our service and allows all patients, whatever their age, to see the appropriate person with the most expertise in your condition.
Note: for questions relating to the scheduling of your appointment please use the contact number for the administration team found on your appointment letter.
Yorkshire Regional Genetic Service, Chapel Allerton Hospital
Yorkshire Heart Centre, Leeds General Infirmary
Ongoing support
British Heart Foundation
Marfan Association
Marfan Trust
Arrhythmia Alliance
Cardiomyopathy UK
Pumping Marvellous
Telephone: 0800 978 8133
Cardiac Risk in the Young
Brugada Drugs