This leaflet aims to give you an overview of a heart condition called subaortic stenosis and its potential management options.
Subaortic Stenosis
The left ventricle, the main pumping chamber of the heart, pumps blood to the body via a large artery called the aorta. Blood flow to the aorta, is guarded by a one-way valve, the aortic valve, that prevents blood coming back into the heart once it has passed through the valve.
Normal heart

Subaortic stenosis

In subaortic stenosis there is excess growth of tissue just below the aortic valve which causes a narrowing and obstructs blood flowing out of the heart.
A severe narrowing is a serious, sometimes even life-threatening heart condition because the heart has to work very hard to pump blood through the narrowing to the body.
The degree of narrowing can progress over time and so it is important that patients with subaortic stenosis, even if mild, are monitored regularly. Some patients may have other abnormalities of the heart, including a leaking aortic valve, which will also need to be watched as time goes by.
Usually a simple ultrasound scan (an echo) is all that is necessary to make the diagnosis. An ECG (an electrical recording of the heart’s activity) can also be helpful.
If the narrowing is severe, open heart surgery may be necessary to remove the excess tissue. This can be a challenging operation. It is usually possible to significantly improve the narrowing, but it is not usually possible to remove it completely. Valves, including the aortic valve, can be damaged during the surgery. The tissue that is removed at surgery can grow back over time, so it is important that patients with subaortic stenosis continue to be monitored regularly.
All heart operations carry some risk of death or major complications such as permanent brain damage, kidney damage or pneumonia. For subaortic stenosis the risk of dying from the operation is small (about 1 in 100) and the risk of brain damage is also small (around 1 in 100).
There is also a small risk (around 1 in 50) of the heart’s electrical system being damaged; if this happens the heart rate will be much slower than normal and a further procedure will be required to implant a pacemaker to make the heart beat faster.
Most patients are in hospital for about a week after their operation, although it may be longer than this if there are complications. It takes approximately 2-3 months to fully recover from open-heart surgery.
Important points to consider
- Exercise. Regular exercise, to a moderate level, is encouraged. It is good for overall health. Activities such as walking, cycling, and swimming are ideal and it is important to warm up and cool down slowly. If your subaortic stenosis is moderate or severe, it is best to avoid really intense cardiovascular exercise, for example distance running, or sudden ‘bursts’ of strenuous activity. Heavy weight lifting should be avoided, but it is usually okay to do low level weights at the gym, ensuring that you are able to do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions without any strain/breath-holding. Other activities that cause you to hold your breath or strain to lift/move objects, for example trying to push a heavy object or playing some brass/woodwind instruments should be avoided as these can raise your blood pressure too much.
- Look after your teeth. Good dental hygiene and regular dental checks every 12 months are recommended. This is to prevent infection in the heart (endocarditis) which is more common in people with congenital heart disease. Some people require antibiotics before invasive dental treatment. Please ask your doctor or specialist nurse if this applies to you.
- Due to the increased risk of endocarditis we also advise against body piercing and tattoos.
- Talk to us before you get pregnant. This is to enable the cardiologist to assess your heart in more detail prior to pregnancy and to arrange further tests if neccessary. Risk varies depending on how severe the obstruction is Pregnancy with subaortic stenosis can be dangerous so this is very important.
- The chances of having a baby born with congenital heart disease are slightly increased from the general population if you have congenital heart disease yourself. The risk is generally quoted as being about 3-5%, compared to 1% for the general population. Your cardiologist can discuss this with you in clinic. We can offer a specialised scan of your unborn baby’s heart at 18-20 weeks, which can detect any major abnormality of the heart.
- Contraception. Women with subaortic stensois can use any form of contraception they wish, unless other problems are present such as high blood pressure. Please ask your doctor or specialist nurse for more specific advice.