What to expect on the day of your surgery:
- Increased watering of the eye (blood staining is normal).
- Your eye may feel achy and uncomfortable, take simple over the counter painkillers if needed.
- Your eye may feel gritty/prickly, this may last for a few days.
- Double/blurred vision.
- Sensitivity to light (photophobia).
- You may have had gas or air put in to your eye during surgery, if so you may be asked to posture in a certain position for a few days post operatively. You will be given a separate information sheet explaining posturing instructions if needed.
The morning after your operation:
- Gently remove your eye dressing.
- Wash your hands.
- With sterile cotton wool, clean your eye with cool boiled water. Wipe from the nose outwards. If required, you may gently pull down your eyelid to do this.
- Instil your eye drops as prescribed.
- Wash the eye shield with warm soapy water.
- If asked to wear an eye shield to sleep in at night, wear this for 1 week.
You are advised:
- Do not rub, poke or apply pressure to the operated eye. (The wound is self-healing, pressure may cause wound to open and be prone to infection).
- Avoid strenuous exercise, gardening, heavy lifting for 2 weeks.
- Do not wear eye make up for 2 weeks.
- Do not perm/colour your hair for 2 weeks.
- Do not go swimming for 2 weeks (wear goggles to swim for 1st month).
- Do not drive until you are seen at your outpatient appointment and have been told by a professional it is safe to do so (follow DVLA guidelines).
- Do not return to work for 2 weeks if your job involves heavy lifting, or work in unclean environment.
- Do not use handkerchiefs to wipe your eye. Use a clean tissue each time.
You can:
- Wash your hair, but with head backwards.
- Shower/bathe as normal, avoid getting soap/shampoo in the eye.
- Do light housework and shopping.
- Read, watch TV.
- Wear your glasses as normal.
Contact us if:
- Your vision deteriorates.
- If you experience severe pain, not relieved by painkillers.
- If you develop a sticky green/yellow discharge from the eye.
- If you experience increased floaters.
- If you injure your eye.