We cover all surgical specialties within the hospital, in addition to 24 hour on-call emergency cover. We also provide anaesthesia for Renal and Liver Transplant surgery as well as Cardiac non-transplant surgery.
Approximately 12,000 anaesthetic procedures are carried out per year.
What we do
Anaesthetists are specialist doctors who give the anaesthetic and look after the health of your child during surgery.
We are also closely involved with your child’s pain relief after surgery. There are 27 permanent consultants within the department, each with their own specialist interest. We also play a leading role in education and training.
If your child requires a general anaesthetic, an anaesthetist will visit you before the procedure to discuss your child’s anaesthetic. We need to find out about your child’s general health, previous experiences of anaesthesia, any medicines your child is taking and any allergies they may have.
This is a good time to talk about any particular concerns you may have about the anaesthetic.
Information for children, parents and carers
You can find more information and videos about having an anaesthetic on The Royal College of Anaesthetists Website. We think you might find these videos useful for a child or young person having an anaesthetic.
There are also resources on the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland website.