Elbow phase 1 (0 to 2 week)

Below you will find important information to follow 0 to 2 weeks post injury.

Pain relief

Paracetamol can be used as per the guidance on the packaging. For stronger pain relief or if you have allergies please contact your General Practitioner or a local pharmacy.


May be worn for the first 2 weeks. The sling should be removed regularly to perform the exercises detailed below and to reduce strain on your neck. You do not need to wear the sling in bed.


A cold pack or frozen peas wrapped in a towel can be applied to your elbow for 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. The ice must not come into direct contact with the skin. Ice is most effective within 72 hours of injury.

Sick Note

You will not require a sick note for the first 7 days you are absent from work. Please contact your GP if your require a further period of time off work. If you have any problems getting a sick note, then please get in touch with the Fracture Clinic directly.


The videos below show the exercises you should do during Phase 1 of your recovery. Exercises are best done little and often. Discomfort is expected, however if your pain is severe you are doing too much.

Print or save your Phase 1 exercises or watch the videos below (provided by Wibbi).

You may progress to phase 2 once you are 2 weeks post injury

PHASE 2 (2 to 6 weeks)
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