On this page
What we do
The Adult Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation service is based at the Leeds General Infirmary. The Hand Unit ward L46 is one of the largest and most highly respected units of its kind in the UK.
The service is run by a multidisciplinary team of experienced healthcare specialists, including nationally and internationally recognised experts in their fields.
The service is run by an experienced multi-disciplinary team of healthcare specialists, including nationally and internationally recognised experts in their fields.
Here on the Hand Unit at Leeds we treat a wide variety of patients from our local region and further afield. We see patients with hand injuries following trauma and also referred patients with hand conditions requiring elective treatment.
Planned referrals from your GP
We accept referrals for elective cases from GPs and cross specialties from our local area and the wider community.
After seeing your GP with your problem and agreeing to the referral your GP will write to us. The referral will be processed and an appointment confirmed with you for clinic.
When you arrive in the clinic reception for your appointment the reception staff will check your details and book you in to clinic. It is important that you make sure your contact details and address is correct on the hospital system, we may need to contact you with results or further appointment details.
There will often be several clinics running at the same time so please don’t be concerned if other patients are called ahead of you, they may be seeing a different consultant team.
Further investigations may be required to help make a diagnosis or plan your treatment, these will be arranged for you and the appropriate unit will contact you with details of your appointment, for example for nerve tests or scans.
Sometimes treatment will be decided or even delivered at the first appointment i.e.: Hand therapy, certain splinting, injections, etc. If surgical intervention is required this will be planned for another day. You may be asked to attend a pre-assessment clinic prior to your surgery – this is dependent on the procedure you require.
If surgery is appropriate, most surgery will be booked for you as a day case and can also be performed on The Hand Unit L46, in the day surgery theatres, with discharge to home the same day if you have suitable carers to ensure your safety and assistance with daily tasks.
Often Hand surgery does not require a general anaesthetic and you can be fully awake, with your arm ‘numbed’ by a ‘regional anaesthetic block’.
After such surgery, if appropriate you will receive follow-up care from our team of Specialist Hand Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists and nurses who are trained to help you recover from hand surgery as speedily and effectively as possible.
Unplanned / trauma referrals
If you experience an injury, or spontaneous serious problem with your hand, you will be assessed by staff in the Emergency Department. If your hand injury involves either a complex wound to the hand, complicated fracture pattern (broken bone), or a possible nerve or tendon injury to your hand, you’ll be referred for assessment and treatment by a hand surgeon in our specialist hand unit on ward L46.
You will be seen and assessed by a specialist team, and if possible treated there and then. However, many injuries require either formal surgery, or perhaps splintage / casting with regular review and therapy.
It may be necessary to monitor your progress in our hand unit as an outpatient, if so you will be invited to clinic for review appointments.
Any necessary wound care will be undertaken by our specialist team of nursing staff in the hand dressing clinic.
Hand therapy
We have a dedicated team of specialist therapists in the unit who will work alongside the doctors to optimise your recovery.
The physiotherapy team will assess your condition and discuss with you your individual goals. Providing information on your injury, treatment and the rehabilitation process is an important part of the therapy sessions. We will use a combination of exercises to maintain your joint movement and to strengthen your muscles. We will instruct you in how to perform these exercises as part of a home exercise regimen.
You will be continually monitored either in the consultant outpatient clinics or with regular physiotherapy appointments. As you recover and we see improvements then we will develop exercise programmes to strengthen these areas.
The overall aim at all stages is to help you with your recovery and to improve the movement, strength and function of your arm based on your individual goals.
Following lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic some appointments will be offered as virtual consultations if appropriate.
- Most laptops will have an integral webcam. Please locate yours and ensure that it is positioned to enable us to see you face-on.
- Please ensure that the environment is as quiet as possible.
- It is preferable that you ask other members of your household to refrain from streaming online during the consultation as this can affect the quality of your link.
- Please make sure you are seated in a well lit room.
- The Clinicians will need to see your movements to assess your progress. So it is advisable to have adequate space to move in view of the webcam.
- If possible have a another household member available to call to assist with passive movement of your arm where necessary.
We have a specialist team of occupational therapists who may be involved in all stages of your rehabilitation. Initially working with you to maximise your function with the use of your limb following injury.
Occupational therapists will assess how you perform your daily activities and guide you in ways that you can make this easier with aids and adaptations.
The occupational therapists may also provide splints to maximise the optimum length in compromised soft tissues.
As you progress through your rehabilitation they will re-evaluate your goals and facilitate you in achieving these through functional rehabilitation. They can advise you on employment and work issues.
Our team are happy to liaise and support local teams where appropriate.
BTE PrimusRS Rehabilitation System
To meet the needs of our patients, our joint Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy team now have the BTE PrimusRS available to support rehabilitation. The BTE PrimusRS enables us to assess and rehabilitate functional strength and range of movement, as well as simulate work-related tasks or hobbies.

Clinical psychology
We have a team of experienced clinical psychologists who work alongside the team in the hand unit. You are able to access this service if you are being cared for by a member of the hands and plastics surgery team. Please discuss this at your clinic appointment if you feel you would benefit from a referral to this team.
Your condition and treatment
We appreciate that having a hand injury is a major inconvenience and you will have many questions with regards to your diagnosis and the treatment that is to follow.
We have provided some information to help guide you through the process. It is important to remember however that individual cases may be managed in slightly differing ways depending on any other health issues.
Common hand conditions and injuries
- Flexor tendon injury
- Extensor tendon injury
- Mallet finger injury
- Boutonniere injury
- Thumb extensor tendon (EPL) rupture
- Terminal finger joint arthritis
- Basal thumb arthritis
- Skier’s thumb
- Finger sprains
- Finger dislocations
Surgery: what to expect FAQs
The thought of surgery can be worrying for many patients. An understanding of what is going to happen and why, will help reassure you.
Before any intervention, your surgeon will explain the options for treatment, the likely outcomes from surgery/treatment, and what the timescales for recovery are most likely to be.
What are the risks and benefits of having hand surgery?
Benefits include
- The expected benefit is an improvement of your symptoms. This will vary from patient to patient. The specific implications for your injury/condition will have been explained in more detail by your consultant.
Risks are
- Bleeding during or following surgery
- Infection of the wound
- Recurrence of symptoms
- Scar Hypersensitivity (usually helped by scar massage)
- Stiffness and swelling of the hand and fingers
Meet the Team
- Professor Simon Kay – Consultant Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Mrs Grainne Bourke – Consultant Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Miss Catherine Hernon – Consultant Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Mr Daniel Thornton – Consultant Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Mr Rob Farnell – Consultant Orthopaedic Hand and Wrist Surgeon
- Mr Rob Bains – Consultant Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Miss Carol Chan – Consultant Hand and Wrist Surgeon
- Mr Waseem Bhat – Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
- Mr Chrishan Mariathas – Consultant Orthopaedic Hand and Wrist Surgeon
Contact us
For Adult Hand Surgery related enquiries please contact one of the following:
- Hand Unit (L46) – 0113 3927446
- Hand Dressing Clinic (L46) – 0113 3923237
For Adult Plastic Surgery related enquiries please contact the following:
- Plastic Dressing Clinic – 0113 3923572
- Plastic Dressing Clinic Nurses – 0113 3923628
- Professor Simon Kay and Miss Catherine Hernon – 0113 3922898
- Mr Waseem Bhat and Mr Rob Bains – 0113 3922864
- Mr Mark Liddington and Mr Ian Smith – 0113 3922939
- Mr Chris Fenn – 0113 3923102
- Miss Grainne Bourke – 0113 3922896
- Mr Howard Peach – 0113 3922942
- Miss Jenny Goodenough – 0113 3923494
- Mr Dan Thornton, Mr Chrishan Mariathas and Mr Rob Farnell – 0113 3923198
Contact details for Plastic Surgery wards
- L22 – Jubilee wing (inpatients) 0113 3927422
- L26 – Brotherton wing (Day case) 0113 3927426
- L46 – Clarendon wing (Hand and Plastic day unit) 0113 3927446
Plastic, Hands and Reconstructive Therapy Services
For physiotherapy and occupational therapy enquiries contact 0113 3922720.
All other enquiries
For all other enquiries related to Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive services, please telephone the hospital switchboard on 0113 243 2799.
How to find us
The Plastic Surgery ward is L22, on G Floor in the Jubilee wing of Leeds General Infirmary.
Outpatient Clinics
We have various clinics in many hospitals, so please read the below locations carefully and select the one that refers to you:
Plastic Surgery Clinic
A Floor, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Adult Hand Surgery Clinics Ward L46 (Hand Unit):
D Floor, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Major Nerve Injury Clinic
Ward L46 (Hand Unit), D Floor, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Children’s Hand Surgery Clinic
C floor, Martin wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Head and Neck Clinic
Level 5, Bexley Wing, St James’s Hospital
Melanoma Clinic
Level 5, Bexley Wing, St James’s Hospital
Skin Cancer / Dermatology
Ward C4 on 1st Floor, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds
Combined Craniofacial Clinic
B Floor, Brotherton Wing, Leeds General Infirmary