If you claim certain benefits or you are an asylum seeker, you may be eligible to claim back travel expenses for scheduled hospital appointments such as scans, glucose tolerance tests and consultant reviews during your pregnancy.
For any unscheduled hospital appointments such as antenatal day unit (ANDU) and maternity assessment centre (MAC) your midwife should ask the antenatal clinic reception to complete the Attendance Voucher.
Please note that travel costs for partners and children cannot be reimbursed.
Who can claim?
- Asylum Seekers
- Universal Credit claimants (no earnings/net earnings of £435 or less per month)
- Universal Credit claimants which includes an element for a child, or you (or your partner) had limited capability for work (LCW) or limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA), and you either had no earnings or take-home pay of £935 or less in your last Universal Credit assessment period
- Income Support claimants
- Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants
What transport can be used?
The cheapest transport should be used (eg: bus). If you take a taxi, you will need to ask your GP, consultant or midwife to write a letter to show to the cashiers, stating the reason for taking a taxi.
How to claim
- Pay for your transport to your appointment and get a receipt (eg: bus ticket)
- After your appointment, ask at antenatal clinic reception for an Attendance Voucher – this is stamped proof that you attended your appointment.
- Take the Attendance Voucher, travel receipt and proof of which benefit you claim to the cashiers desk in the hospital for a cash refund. You can claim up to 3 months after your appointment.
Please remember to take proof of your benefit (on your phone, a letter or your ID card) with you to your appointment.
- For Universal Credit, you will need to log in to your Universal Credit account to show the cashier the most up to date amount you are entitled to per month (this should be less than £435).
- For the other benefits listed above, you will need to take the most recent letter which proves you are entitled to that benefit (eg, income support)
- For Asylum Seekers, please show your ID card
Cashiers Desk locations
- St James’s Hospital: Ground Floor, Block A, Lincoln Wing
- Leeds General Infirmary (LGI): B floor, Brotherton Wing