How to find us
Our address is:
One Day Unit
Level 5, Worsley Building
Leeds Dental Institute
Telephone: 0113 3436216
Enter the Leeds Dental Institute building through the revolving doors in front of the car park.
Once through the doors, on your immediate left is a doorbell. Please press the doorbell and wait for the attention of a staff member.
Essential patient information
We do not provide overnight care. Because of this it is essential that patients being treated in the department:
– Have access to a telephone.
– Have a responsible adult to collect them from the unit and take them home.
– Go home by car or taxi (with the responsible person) not by public transport.
– Children under 16 to have two adults if going home by car.
– Have someone to look after them for 24 hours after discharge home.
– Live within one hour of the hospital (unless prearranged).
– Are registered with a GP.
For more information, please contact us on 0113 3436224.
What we do
We provide paediatric and adult dental treatment and oral surgery under general anaesthetic, sedation, or local anaesthetic.
Providing care through the whole of the patient’s journey beginning with a preoperative assessment either over the phone or in person. Followed by care in the unit on the day of surgery which includes – admission, general anaesthetic, surgery, recovery, care on the ward prior to discharge, discharge advice and post discharge care/advice.
The types of procedures carried out are:
- Extractions for adults and children
- Orthodontic procedures including exposures of teeth
- Pre–molar transplants
- Procedures to the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint)
- Procedures on the soft tissue of the mouth and neck