Chromogranin A is the major protein within the catecholamine storage vesicles of the adrenal medulla. When catecholamines are released, chromogranin is released. It is also released with polypeptide hormones from other endocrine tissues: pancreatic islet cells, enteroendocrine cells, parathyroid chief cells, thyroid parafollicular C cells and anterior pituitary cells. Chromogranin A may be elevated in patients with various endocrine neoplasms. Clinical indication for measuring: follow-up and management of patients with neuroendocrine tumours and liver metastases. Also a useful marker in lung carcinoids and neuroblastomas.
01 (SE) – Serum Gel
Additional Information
Should be collected after a 10h fast. Sample should be received in the lab within 3h of collection.
Turn Around
Turnaround time stated by Sheffield PRU: 2 weeks.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: Sheffield Protein Reference Unit (PRU)).
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Full information on all referred tests can be found on the referred tests information database, EQMS reference BSF2REC17003.
Collection Con
Instructions to lab: Centrifuge sample, separate and freeze serum within 3h of collection. Lithium heparin or EDTA plasma also acceptable.
Minimum volume: 2 mL serum.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
< 6 nmol/L