A marker of muscle damage. Please note: test can only be added to a sample within 24 hours of collection.
01 (SE) – Serum Gel
Additional information
CARDIAC: In MI CK starts to rise 4 to 8 hours post chest pain and peaks at about 24 hrs. It is unreliable 3 days post pain. The CK-MB fraction may be useful to establish the source of a raised CK. Myocarditis can give a similar enzyme picture to MI. MUSCLE: The largest rises occur in association with Duchenne Muscular dystrophy and acute polymyositis. Muscle trauma e.g fitting, falls in the elderly, IM injections, severe exercise also give rise to raised CK. Other causes of raised CK included Drugs/toxic substances (steroids, clofibrate, alcohol, CO poisoning), inflammation (myositis), McArdle’s syndrome (during exercise) hypothermia, and malignant hyperpyrexia.
Turn around
A&E: 1 hour
Day Case: 4 Hours
In-Patient: 6 Hours
Out-Patient: 24 Hours
GP: 24 Hours
Send to
Blood Sciences Cross Site/
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Intensive care units, renal unit, transplant unit, patients on IV heparin use lithium-heparin (Green with Yellow ring) tube.
Instructions for Lab: Store at 2 to 8 C centrifuged prior to analysis if delayed.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
Blood Sciences Reference ranges available through the useful information and links page: [LINK]