** Not routinely available**. Fructosamine should only be requested for monitoring glycaemic control in patients with a prior diagnosis of diabetes who have a haemoglobin variant such that HbA1c is not reportable. Fructosamine cannot be used for the diagnosis of diabetes because there are no evidence-based diagnostic cut-offs. Requests for fructosamine analysis will be vetted by the Duty Biochemist. Please contact if you wish to discuss: 0113 39 26922 (option 2).
01 (SE) – Serum Gel
Additional information
Serum fructosamine concentration reflects blood glucose concentration over the preceding 2 to 3 weeks. Serum fructosamine results may be invalid where plasma protein composition is abnormal e.g. nephrotic syndrome, severe liver cirrhosis, paraproteinaemia, untreated thyroid disease. Results will be reported alongside a predicted HbA1c range. This should not be used in isolation or in preference to the fructosamine result.
Turn around
Turnaround time stated by Hull Royal Infirmary: 2 weeks.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: Hull Royal Infirmary.)
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: l[email protected].
Full information on all referred tests can be found on the referred tests information database, EQMS reference BSF2REC17003.
Collection Con
Minimum Volume: 0.4ml Serum
Instructions to lab: Centrifuge sample, separate serum and store in fridge.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
151 – 300 umol/L