Indication for requesting: investigations into primary hyperoxaluria. Interpretation: Increased levels in non uraemic patients with primary hyperoxaluria type I. Normal levels in type II.
08 (UR) – Urine 24 Hr Chemical Preservative
Additional information
Please contact the duty biochemist if you wish to request this test: 0113 39 26922 (option 2)
Turn around
Turnaround time stated by HSL analytics: 15 days.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: HSL Analytics.)
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Full information on all referred tests can be found on the referred tests information database, EQMS reference BSF2REC17003.
Collection Con
Minimum Volume: 10ml urine. Collect into acidified container (contact lab). Instructions to lab: store in fridge until dispatch. Non-acidified samples may be acceptable
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
Interpretation will be provided on the report.