Used in the investigation of ambiguous genitalia in the newborn infant, diagnosis and monitoring of patients with classical and late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). 17OH-progesterone should not be requested in infants less than 48 hours old.
Serum Gel
Twice Weekly
Additional Information
Urgent assays by arrangement ext 67043, 64717. Investigation of ambiguous genitalia in the newborn, diagnosis and monitoring of CAH patients. 17OHP is raised in CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. 21-hydroxylase deficiency is the commonest cause of CAH. Elevated concentrations of 17OHP may be seen in sick individuals as part of the stress response. Although appropriate therapy should always be initiated, confirmatory tests for CAH must be performed afterwards. Monitoring patients is difficult due to intrinsic diurnal rhythms in 17OHP, episodic nature of secretion, and the timing of sample collection in relation to glucocorticoid dose. Daily profiles using several samples during the day may offer a more complete picture of therapeutic control (early morning, mid-day, mid-afternoon and evening). This can be done with either blood or saliva (see saliva entry).
Turn around
14 days
Send to
Specialist Laboratory Medicine
Block 46
St James hospital
Beckett Street
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
No restrictions
Sample REQ
Ref. Range (Male)
Adult (> 16y M+F): <5.0
Ref. Range (Female)
Adult (> 16y M+F): <5.0
Ref. Range (Paed)
Neonates (>48h after birth) 5d: <3.0. < 16y M+F : <4.0
Ref. Range Notes
Adult female results may be higher in luteal phase of menstrual cycle
IP Acute TAT
Contact laboratory
IP Routine TAT
14 days
GP Acute TAT
14 days
GP Routine TAT
14 days