There are three main immunoglobulin isotypes measured by the Immunology laboratory – IgG, IgA and IgM. n order deliver a cost effective service the departmental policy states that requests for immunoglobulins only should be made in the context of systemic inflammatory illnesses and immunodeficiency. Serum electrophoresis may be added at the validation stage if thought appropriate. We also recommend that requests for Serum Electrophoresis only are made if the identification or exclusion of a paraprotein in the serum (i.e. myeloma, MGUS, etc) is being investigated. Serum Immunoglobulin quantification is then only undertaken if a paraprotein is identified. It is recommended that a urine sample is provided to the laboratory WITH the serum sample to allow identification of free light chain (Bence Jones protein) in the urine if present.
Serum Gel
Additional information
IgE and IgD are only indicated in specific clinical circumstances. Interpret in the context of the age-related reference ranges.
Polyclonal increases in immunoglobulins can be seen in chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, and many tumours cause increases in polyclonal immunoglobulins. Skin, pulmonary and gut diseases are more likely to cause increases in IgA concentrations while systemic infections will increase all immunoglobulins but particularly IgG.
Turn around
7 days
Send to
Leeds General Infirmary
Clinical Immunology
Old Medical School
Great George Street
Collection Con
Instructions for Lab Staff: Standard lab processing – No special requirements
Sample REQ
Ref. Range (Male)
IgG = 6 – 16g.L IgA = 0.8 – 4g/L IgM = 0.5 – 2g/L
Ref. Range (Female)
IgG = 6 – 16g.L IgA = 0.8 – 4g/L IgM = 0.5 – 2g/L
Ref. Range (Paed)
See reference range note
Ref. Range Notes
Age specific – see report form.
IP Acute TAT
Contact Laboratory
IP Routine TAT
7 days
GP Acute TAT
Contact Laboratory
GP Routine TAT
7 days