Anterior pituitary hormone.
01 (SE) – Serum Gel
Additional Information
PRIMARY OVARIAN FAILURE: FSH > 30 IU/L with LH often above 20 IU/L. Increased LH alone is not indicative. Other considerations with raised levels of LH include the mid cycle surge, PCO, pregnancy (due to HCG) and HCG secreting tumours. LOW/UNDETECTABLE GONADOTROPHINS: May be normal but secondary hypogonadism due to hypothalamic/pituitary disorders must be considered. Also consider the possibility of raised oestrogens e.g oral contraceptives, oestrogen producing tumours. The ratio of FSH:LH is used to monitor levels which are not in the post-menopausal range. May be associated with climateric, hypothalamic defect or early follicular phase. It is important to assess oestrogen status (females) and androgen status (males) for the interpretation of gonadotrophins. Thus amenorrhoeic women with normal FSH/LH may be oestrogen deficient and in effect hypogonadotrophic.
Turn around
A&E: N/A
Day Case: 72 Hours
In-Patient: 72 Hours
Out-Patient: 72 Hours
GP: 72 Hours
Send to
Blood Sciences Cross Site
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: l[email protected].
Collection Con
Minimum volume – 250µl serum / plasma
Instructions for Lab Staff: Standard lab processing- No special requirements
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes