Biopsy and other tissue specimens may be collected for anaerobic and aerobic bacterial culture, fungal investigations may also be indicated. Patient history and the site from which the specimen was collected are essential details required on the request form. Indicated for the investigation of deep seated infections.
Send in sterile white topped universal
Mon- Sun 8.30 – 5pm Acute samples can be cultured and a microscopy performed out of hours on request
Additional Information
If an urgent gram stain is required please contact the laboratory. Gram stain is not routinely performed on non-sterile tissue, diabetic feet or prosthetic joint samples. Gram stain will be available within 24 hours or sooner if requested as urgent. Do not send whole amputated tissue. Suspected infected portion should be sent.
Turn around
10 days. TAT may be longer if extended culture for fungi or other fastidious pathogens is required. Gram stain if applicable will be available within 24 hours or sooner if requested as urgent.
Send to
LGI Microbiology Department
Collection Con
Obtain the tissue sample under sterile conditions. To prevent dessication add some drops of sterile N/Saline. Send to Microbiology without delay. For optimum results, samples of tissue should reach Microbiology within 2 hours of collection. Larger pieces of tissue may maintain viability of organisms longer. If delayed transport refrigerate sample. Delays over 48 hours are undesirable
Where Acid and Alcohol fast bacilli (AAFB) are suspected, this should be explicitly mentioned/requested on the request form. AAFB will not normally be investigated unless specifically requested.
IP Routine TAT
10 days. TAT may be longer if extended culture for fungi or other fastidious pathogens is required. Gram stain if applicable will be available within 24 hours or sooner if requested as urgent.
GP Routine TAT
10 days. TAT may be longer if extended culture for fungi or other fastidious pathogens is required. Gram stain if applicable will be available within 24 hours or sooner if requested as urgent.