Examination of a specimen for fungi by a manual microscopy and culture method. Susceptibility testing may also be performed if indicated.
Skin, hair or nail for superficial infection. Tissue sample for systemic infection. Use dermapaks or white topped universals.
Additional information
Identification of yeasts, usually to species level using a combination of morphological and nutritional/enzymatic tests. Molecular identification may be carried out for those isolates which cannot be identified using phenotypic tests. Susceptibility testing of yeasts by CLSI M44A disc diffusion (fluconazole) or microbroth dilution (fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, flucytosine, caspofungin, posaconazole and ketoconazole). Specific antifungal(s) tested depend on the identity and source of the isolate and the clinical details supplied. Microbroth dilution testing is undertaken where indicated by isolate identity, disc diffusion results, or where requested specifically. The identity of the yeast isolate is always confirmed or carried out on isolates sent for sensitivity testing. Identification of moulds, usually to species level on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic morphology. Molecular identification may be carried out for those isolates which cannot be identified using phenotypic tests. Susceptibility testing of mould isolates may be indicated, though this is not done routinely. Please call to discuss.
Turn around
24 days, Microscopy is reported within 7 days
Send to
LGI Microbiology Department
Collection Con
Microscopy cannot be performed on samples sent on charcoal swabs. Do not send e-swabs for Mycology only.
IP Routine TAT
24 days, Microscopy is reported within 7 days
GP Routine TAT
24 days, Microscopy is reported within 7 days