The Leeds Screening Laboratory provides neonatal screening as defined by national policy. For more information please see .Gov website.
This laboratory provides the neonatal screening service for all births in the following PCTs: North Yorkshire and York (except Hambleton/Richmondshire), Bradford and Airedale Teaching, Leeds, East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull Teaching, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.
Contact the newborn screening laboratory for further advice if required ([email protected]).
Bloodspots on a neonatal screening card
Send to
Specialist Laboratory Medicine
Block 46
St James hospital
Beckett Street
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Please see .Gov website or please contact your local screening coordinator..
Sample REQ
Dried blood spots.
Ref. Range Notes
All reports are sent as electronic messages via the NHS Spine to Yorkshire CHRDs. Users of the service outside Yorkshire receive reports in pdf format via NHSmail. The laboratory also uploads samples received and results to the Newborn Blood Spot Failsafe Solution. CHRDs record the results and send a letter to the parent when they have a record that all screened conditions have been reported as ‘not suspected’. Action is taken immediately on positive results according to national and locally agreed protocols. It is the policy of this laboratory to phone results to the relevant local paediatric consultant who will see the child quickly. An initial referral letter is sent by NHSmail immediately to confirm the details of a positive result. It is followed by a further letter when confirmatory testing has been completed and this letter also confirms that the other screening tests have been performed.