Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic agent with structural similarities to clozapine. Extensively metabolised in the liver and excreted by the kidney. It is not thought that any of the metabolites are pharmacologically active. No metabolites accumulate in plasma. Mean plasma olanzapine half-lives are longer in elderly patients (65 y or more) (51.8 h) as compared to adults (33.8 h), and longer and in females (36.7 h) as compared to males (32.3 h). The limit of sensitivity of the assay is 2 µg/L (1 mL sample).
04 (EP) – EDTA Plasma
Additional Information
Clinical indication for requesting: therapeutic drug monitoring.
Turn Around
Turnaround time stated by Birmingham: 7 days.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: Birmingham City Hospital toxicology lab).
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Minimum Volume: 0.5ml. Collect EDTA sample 12h post-dose. PROTECT FROM LIGHT.
Instructions to lab: Centrifuge, separate plasma and store in fridge. EDTA plasma, lithium heparin plasma or serum (no gel) are acceptable. Gel tubes can not be used. Should be separated within 7h of collection. When booking in, please note whether sample was protected from light in specimen comment.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
20 to 40 ug/L (samples collected 12h post-dose).