A non specific indicator of plasma protein levels. The Plasma Viscosity gives a measure of the acute phase response; i.e. the increase in assorted plasma proteins and fibrinogen in blood plasma stimulated by a variety of causes (e.g. infection, neoplasm or inflammatory disease).
04 (EP) – EDTA Plasma
Additional information
A minimum volume 2.0ml of plasma is required for this test. It is advised that a full adult EDTA sample is collected to ensure this requirement is met. No add ons allowed
Turn around
A&E: N/A
Day Case: 4 Hours
In-Patient: 24 Hours
Out-Patient: 24 Hours
GP: 24 Hours
Send to
Blood Sciences Cross Site
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
A separate EDTA blood sample is required if HbA1c, PTH, FBC or ESR is also requested.
If referred from an external laboratory, sample may be plasma only; pass straight to Haematology BMS, do not discard
Sample REQ