Urine PBG is measured for the investigation or exclusion of suspected acute porphyria in symptomatic patients. A normal PBG:creatinine ratio is strong evidence against an acute porphyria being the cause of the patient’s symtoms at the time of sample collection. Contact the Duty Biochemist to arrange urgent analysis.
Plain Universal
Weekdays by special arrangement only. Contact Laboratory or Duty Biochemist to arrange analysis.
Additional Information
For non-urgent investigation of well patients or suspected cutaneous porphyrias, please request urine and whole blood porphyrin analysis.
Turn Around
14 days.
Send to
Samples only accepted by prior arrangement.
Specialist Laboratory Medicine
Block 46
St James
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Plain random urine collected during symptomatic episode. Protect from light (envelope/black polythene/silver foil).
Sample REQ
Do not discard if not protected from light just comment on form. Store at 4C prior to sending.