Also known as procollagen extension peptide. Procollagen 1 (P1NP) concentrations reflect osteoblast activity so any disease increasing the activity of osteoblasts or activation frequency of the bone forming unit will result in elevated P1NP concentrations. Low P1NP may indicate adynamic bone. This test is currently only available to the Endocrinologists / bone clinic for monitoring response to anti-resorption therapy. P1NP shows minimal circadian rhythm or seasonal variation. Food intake or diet show no detectable influence on plasma levels. A baseline pre-treatment measurement is required if assessing response to antiresorption therapy.
04 (EP) – EDTA Plasma
Additional Information
If elevated, indicates high collagen formation.
Turn Around
Turnaround time stated by Norfolk & Norwich: 2 weeks.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital).
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
A single EDTA tube can be sent for both P1NP and CTX analysis. Instructions to lab: centrifuge sample, separate plasma and freeze. Serum samples also acceptable for P1NP (but not for CTX).
Minimum volume: 0.5 mL.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
Adult male 20 – 76 ug/L
Adult female 19 – 69 ug/L