Viral gastroenteritis is inflammation of stomach and intestines. Illness is highly contagious and can spread quickly. Some demographic groups are at higher risk than others. Definitive diagnosis is not always indicated as this is a self limiting illness. ICE order comms is set up to direct requesting. Rotavirus and Norovirus are the most common viral cause.
Brown top universal with spoon
Additional Information
Multiplex PCR is first line for detection of Noroviris and Rotavirus. A further multiplex PCR for detection of Astrovirus, Sapovirus and Adenovirus is carried out on all immunocomprimised/suppressed patients and those under 5 years old. External users requiring extended testing should specifically request this. Extended testing will be carried out on outbreak samples.
Turn Around
3 days
Send to
LGI Microbiology Department
Collection Con
Faecal samples, 500ul of fluid stool or 0.5g of solid sample. Testing can also be carried out on vomitus but faeces is the preferred sample.
IP Routine TAT
3 days
GP Routine TAT
3 days