Vitamin E is a family of fat-soluble tocopherol compounds. Vitamin E status is assessed by measuring serum or plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration. Vitamin A is measured at the same time.
06 (HP) – Heparin No Gel preferred, 02 (SE) Serum No Gel also acceptable.
Additional Information
Plasma vitamin E concentration is only slightly reduced by the systemic inflammatory response. Vitamin E is transported in the blood on lipoprotein particles and it’s plasma concentration will reflect serum lipid concentration. Results should be interpreted in view of serum cholesterol and/or triglycerides.
Turn Around
9 days.
Send to
First Class Post to:
Specialist Laboratory Medicine
Block 46
St James
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Collect after overnight fast where possible or 8 hr post treatment if on oral supplements or parenteral nutrition.
Sample REQ
Protect samples from light as much as possible. Separate and freeze plasma ideally on day of collection. Minimum volume = 150 uL plasma.