This is a test of CSF which measures the breakdown products of blood following an intracerebral bleed. Note blood stained samples may affect analysis.
09 (CSF) – Plain CSF
Additional Information
A paired serum sample for protein and bilirubin should also be sent. Samples should be taken >12 hours post event – samples taken earlier may give false negative results. (Please see information for CSF protein and glucose also). Ideally tube number 4 should be sent to biochemistry for CSF protein and xanthochromia. For urgent testing – please contact laboratory.
Turn Around
A&E: N/A
Day Case: 6 Hours
In-Patient: 6 Hours
Out-Patient: N/A
Send to
Blood Sciences Cross Site
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected]
Collection Con
Send to laboratory ASAP. Protected from Light, DO NOT use the air tube delivery system. On arrival, samples 4 must be centrifuged and supernatant removed from and cells. Please protect sample from light prior to analysis.
Instructions for Lab Staff: Samples must be manually centrifuged before analysis. Separate the supernatant prior to storing light protected.
Sample REQ
Minimum volume 700uL.
Ref. Range Notes
Blood Sciences Reference ranges available through the useful information and links page: