We are asking you to provide your contact details as we understand you have concerns about the maternity care you experienced at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.
We are collecting this information so we can contact you and invite you to meet to discuss the ways we can improve our services in the future.
The data you provide will be used for this purpose only and disclosed only to the teams arranging and managing this meeting or meetings. Your information will be held securely on our systems and permanently deleted when any meetings and necessary correspondence related to this matter have been completed.
The Data controller responsible for keeping your information confidential is:
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James University Hospital, Trust Headquarters, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF
Telephone: 0113 2433144
The Trust’s Data Protection Officer is: Johnny Chagger
The legal basis for processing this data is (Consent) Article 6 (1) (a)
The Data Protection legislation gives you a right to access the information we hold about you in our records. Requests must be made in writing to the Access to Health Records Department. The Trust will provide your information to you 30 calendar days from receipt of:
- A completed application form, containing adequate supporting information to enable us to verify your identity and locate your records,
- An indication of what information you are requesting, to enable the Trust to locate it in an efficient manner. You as an individual have the right to have raise an objection with regards to any records that have been inaccurately added to your medical records, personal records or other computerised system. If you think any information is inaccurate or incorrect, please contact us using the details above. Ultimately, if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your information you have the right to make a complaint to the Trust or to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO).