Arrangements have now been made for you to be admitted to the One Day Unit at the Leeds Dental Institute for surgery under general anaesthetic.
It is essential that you closely follow the instructions below on the day of surgery, as failure to do so may result in your surgery having to be cancelled.
No food or drink after 7.00am except plain water until 11.00am

No food at all after 7.00am

Tap water until 11.00am
Please note this includes NO sweets or chewing gum.
You can have water until 11.00am.
Important information
- If you usually take medication, this should be taken as normal with a sip of water, unless otherwise directed by the nursing or medical staff.
- Please ensure no jewellery or nail varnish is worn on the day.
- Following surgery, you must go home by car / taxi accompanied by a fit responsible adult.
- On returning home, you must not be left alone or unsupervised for a period of 24 hours.
- You should not return to work for a minimum of 24 hours.
- The list is run as efficiently as possible, but there will be some waiting time as the surgeon does not confirm the operation list order until the day of admission. You can expect to remain in the department for 4-5 hours. It is advisable to bring something for you to do whilst waiting.
Medical / Dental Teaching
This is a hospital which trains medical, dental and nursing students. Students may be present for teaching purposes during your stay. If you do not wish students to be present, please inform the nurse in charge. This will not affect your treatment in any way.
Contacting the Department
If you have any queries, or you are unable to attend, please contact:
One Day Unit on 0113 343 6216
Leeds Dental Institute switchboard 0113 244 0111
How to get to the One Day Unit
Address: The One Day Unit, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU
By car: Parking is limited, some spaces are available at the multi-storey car park – see map.
By bus: From Leeds city centre – City Bus to Leeds Dental Institute for a small charge.

Leeds Dental Institute main entrance
Information to help you prepare for dental day surgery
- The appointment time you have been given is an admission time and not the time you can expect the surgery to take place.
- When you arrive, you will be seen by a nurse, a dentist and an anaesthetist.
- The nurse will check that you have not had any health problems since pre-assessment, and that you are fit and well. We will check that fasting instructions have been adhered to.
- The dentist will check the treatment plan consent, and will make sure you are happy with the planned treatment.
- The anaesthetist will discuss the anaesthetic with you.
- If you have any questions, you will have the opportunity to discuss these with staff.
- Lockers are available for clothing and belongings, but you are strongly advised not to bring any valuables with you.
- The Trust cannot accept liability for the loss or damage of patient’s property unless it can be demonstrated that there has been negligence on the part of the Trust.
- Important: You must tell the nurse in charge about any tablets or medicines you have recently taken or have been asked to bring with you.
- You may be accompanied by one relative / friend.
- You will be allowed home approximately one hour after your surgery.
- It is a good idea to have some pain relief at home, such as that you would take for a headache.
- Details of your surgery will be forwarded directly to your doctor and dentist.
- Following a general anaesthetic it is not unusual for patients to suffer some sickness and drowsiness. You may also experience some dizziness. These symptoms will subside within a few hours.