Your ward stay
You are here for multidisciplinary goal orientated rehabilitation. Our rehabilitation team is a Multi-Disciplinary team (MDT) which consists of:-
Nurses, Doctors, Speech and Language (SLT), Physiotherapy (PT), Occupational therapy (OT), Dietitian, Neuropsychology and Social Workers. You may see any or all of these professions depending on your individual needs.
The ward environment includes a dining area, outdoor courtyard, sitting area and day room.
During your stay the team will meet with you to plan your goals and to discuss your progress at a family meeting. Informal meetings can be arranged to join therapy sessions or by arranging to meet individual team members.
Example of a patient’s goals may include:
- Transferring from bed to chair
- Walking
- Aiming to become independent with personal care.
- Learning to use new ways of communication

Your ward stay
Consultant ward rounds take place on Monday PM, Tuesday AM and Friday AM.
Rehabilitation sessions are timetabled on a daily basis Monday – Friday. All therapy areas are adjacent to the ward. You can usually find out therapy times in the evening, for the following day.
After initial assessment, the team will decide on an estimated date of discharge (EDD). Changes to the EDD may take place at MDT meetings depending on individual’s needs.
The length of stay on Complex Neuro Rehab varies depending on each person’s needs, but this can be between two weeks and up to several months in some cases. This will be discussed further with you and your family once your initial assessments have been completed.
Part of your rehabilitation may include planned home visits with your therapists, day leave, weekend leave and access to the minimal care flat. This will be discussed with you when it is appropriate.
During your stay on Complex Neuro Rehab you will be allocated a bed. However, due to your needs or the needs of other patients, you might be moved in or out of a side room, you might be moved from sleeping in one bay on the ward into another, or you might be transferred between Neurorehabilitation beds on wards C1 and C2.
If you become acutely unwell during your stay on Complex Neuro Rehab, then you might need to be transferred back to Leeds General Infirmary or St James’s Hospital for further investigations and/or treatment. If you need to stay there as an inpatient, then unfortunately your bed on Complex Neuro Rehab cannot be held for you. If/when you are ready to be transferred back to us for further rehabilitation then your transfer back will be prioritised.
Please feel free to provide feedback (positive or negative) to the ward sister for us to keep improving the quality of our service.
For Guidelines for Specialist Rehabilitation Referrals in West Yorkshire please download our Referral Form.