Big Toe Phase 2 (2 to 4 weeks)

On this page you will find important information to follow 2 to 4 weeks post injury.

Pain relief

Continue to use appropriate painkillers as necessary.

Walker boot or shoe

The boot or shoe should be weaned down and discarded now. Comfy and spacious footwear such as trainers will provide support and reduce irritation. You may increase you walking distance as pain allows.

Toe strapping

If your toe was strapped, please now remove the strapping. Strapping must not be worn for more than 2 weeks.


Continue to elevate the foot if it looks swollen in comparison to your opposite side.


The following videos will help you regain movement in your toe and help you walk without a limp. You may start these exercises when you feel comfortable to do so, discomfort is expected. You should do these exercises regularly – if you experience severe pain you are doing too much.

Print or save your Phase 2 exercises or watch the videos below

Toe Extension

This video demonstrates Toe Extension exercise.

Toe Extension

Video showing person sat up straight in a chair with feet comfortably apart.
Lifting their toes up and as high as they can without lifting the ball of your foot.
Relaxing their toes and repeating. They repeat with a weight on their toes.

Toe Flexion with towel

This video demonstrates Toe Flexion with towel exercise.

Toe Flexion with towel

Person sitting on a chair with the affected foot resting on a flat towel.
They are slowly bunching up the towel by curling their toes. They replace the towel and repeat.

Heel raise in sitting

This video demonstrates heel raise in sitting exercise.

Heel raise in sitting

Person sitting straight on a chair with their feet flat on the floor.
They flex their ankle to go on the tip of your toes, raising their heel off the ground. They lower and repeat.

You may progress to phase 3 once you are 4 weeks post injury

PHASE 3 (4 to 6 weeks)
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