Calcaneal Process Avulsion Phase 4 (6 weeks onwards)

In the below video you will find further information to support your recovery.

6 Weeks Post Injury

Hello, my name is Andy Brogdon, and I’m an orthopaedic specialist physiotherapist.

By now, you should be approximately six weeks post-injury and have progressed into phase three of your rehabilitation. At this stage, the exercises should have helped improve your movement and overall function.

The injury you’ve sustained typically takes six weeks to heal, and it is common to experience pain or swelling for up to three months afterward. You may continue using pain relief as needed.

If you’re satisfied with your recovery and progress, you may stop your exercises. You are also cleared to return to sport, provided you feel ready at six weeks post-injury.

We do not routinely follow up on this type of injury. However, if you continue to experience pain after three months, please contact us for further consultation. If we do not hear from you within three months, you will be discharged back to the care of your general practitioner.

PHASE 1 (0-2 weeks) PHASE 2 (2-4 weeks) PHASE 3 (4-6 weeks)
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