Referral Criteria – Gynaecology
To prevent unnecessary emergency admissions we ask that you discuss all cases with one of the on call doctors or specialist nurses – please do not simply refer through PCAL.
This unit is for people with emergency gynaecological problems who need to be seen immediately:
- Red / swollen / painful lump outside the vagina (Bartholin’s or vulval abscess) with signs of systemic infection
- Sudden unexpected heavy vaginal bleeding which is ongoing and/or with evidence of anaemia and/or with haemodynamic compromise
- Sudden unexpected severe abdominal pain of suspected gynaecological origin
- Suspected post operative complications following gynaecological surgery within last 30 days
- Vaginal bleeding or pain in early stages of pregnancy (less than 14 weeks pregnant)
- Ascites related to underlying gynaecological cancer
- Symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation (OHSS) following fertility treatment
- Post-natal problems for women who are more than 30 days post delivery
- Urinary retention secondary to vaginal prolapse
What do I do if I feel someone needs urgent assessment by the gynaecology on call team?
Please discuss the patient with the on-call gynaecology doctors by contacting them via PCAL (Primary care access line) or via switchboard.
If you cannot get in touch with the on-call team, for example if they are in theatre, and the patient might be unstable then you should send them to the emergency department (A&E) for initial triage. They will be sent up to gynaecology afterwards if appropriate.
Overnight (10:00pm to 8:30am) please send clinically unstable patients to the emergency department (A&E). This is because our on call doctors may not be immediately available to review the patient on the unit due to emergency clinical work.
Early pregnancy referrals from private services and termination services.
- Please refer any woman to GATU and provide them with a printed ultrasound report and clinical information
- Inform all women that all scans performed outside the NHS will require a departmental rescan