If your child is identified with a hearing loss they may be offered hearing aids to ensure they can hear and understand speech comfortably. The aim of the hearing aids is to help with the development of your child’s speech and language skills and their education.
Your child’s hearing test results will be programmed into their hearing hearing aid(s) so the sound they produce matches their hearing loss. Your audiologist will make measurements of the sound produced by the hearing aids to ensure they are an exact match for your child.
Children with hearing aids are regularly reviewed and the information from their hearing tests will be updated in the hearing aids.
As children with hearing aids grow they will also need to attend the Hearing and Balance Centre for replacement ear moulds. If the ear moulds become loose the hearing aids may become less effective and whistle.
In order to ensure your child receives the most benefit from their hearing aid it is important to look after it and maintain it. The batteries for your child’s hearing aids should last 7 to 10 days, however we advise that the batteries are changed on a weekly basis to ensure the aids are always working. Hearing aid batteries are available from a number of health centres throughout Leeds free of charge – simply show them your NHS battery card, or you can email on the address below.
External Links
NDCS information on hearing aids.
NHS Choices – hearing aids.
The AussieDeafKids website has some good information on dealing with whistling and feedback in hearing aids.
Contact us
The Hearing and Balance Centre is based in Brotherton Wing, Leeds General Infirmary.
For appointments or information please telephone 0113 3922484.
Email: [email protected].
Implantable Devices
Bone Anchored Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Some children maybe offered an option of a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) or an implantable device such as a Cochlear Implant. Your Specialist Paediatric Audiologist will discuss with you all the available options and your child may have the opportunity to test out what it would sound like to have one of these devices.
A full hearing assessment will be carried out to determine if and what kind of hearing loss your child has. This may only be a temporary hearing loss where a BAHA or Implantable device would not need to be an option.
Hearing Aid Troubleshooting
Below is a guide to troubleshooting problems with your child’s hearing aids:
No Sound
Dead battery or hearing aid on the wrong program?
Replace battery.
Blocked sound outlet?
Remove the earmould, if the aid appears to work there may be a blockage in the tubing. Clean the earmould or replace the tubing.
Hearing Aid Whistling
Is the hearing aid inserted properly?
Our Paediatric Hearing Aid Leaflet has instructions showing how to put hearing aids in correctly.
The earmould may be too loose
Arrange an appointment for a replacement earmould to be made.
Sound is Distorted
You can perform a listening check on you child’s hearing aid (see step 3 in the video below), you will have been provided with an earpiece to do this by the Hearing and Balance Centre. If the sound is distorted please book an appointment at the Hearing and Balance Centre to arrange a replacement hearing aid.