Are you thinking of having your baby at home in your own relaxed and familiar environment? Here you’ll find more information about having a home birth in Leeds.
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Having a home birth (video)
At Leeds we offer a home birth service which is run by midwives who are based on the labour wards, predominantly by the Lotus home birth team. For women interested in having their baby at home we offer a telephone appointment at around 36 weeks to discuss the process, as well as equipment you might need and other things to consider when making a decision about your baby’s place of birth.
If you are interested in a discussion after 36 weeks, contact us as it is probably not too late. Following this discussion, you will be provided with a direct contact for the home birth team. We advocate home birth for low-risk women as studies have shown it is as safe having your baby at home as it is to give birth in hospital. The NICE guidelines also support this for women who have given birth before and remain low risk.
There are many advantages to a home birth and women make their decision for many different reasons. For us the main advantage is that being in your own environment means that labour is more likely to progress smoothly, as those important hormones are able to increase whilst keeping the stress hormones to a minimum.
It gives you more control over your environment, for example the people who are there to support you are not limited by age or number.
At home can provide mild pain relief such as dihydrocodine and gas and air, as well as being able to advise on positions. If you choose to use a TENS machine, heat packs or water then that is your choice and you would need to look into hiring or buying them. Some women choose to look into meditation and hypnobirthing which can work wonders for keeping a calm environment.
We bring most of the equipment needed with us and we are very good at leaving your house clean and tidy afterwards. There is the option of a birth pool in the room you feel most relaxed in, and we stay for a couple of hours after the birth to ensure that you and baby are both well.
There are sometimes however, risk factors that occur either in your own health or things that develop in your pregnancy which may lead us to discuss changing this advice and this would always be discussed with you by one of the team, and often with a consultant at the time.
If you’re interested in a home birth and would like to speak to one of the home birth midwives, ask your community midwife and she will contact us on your behalf.
Benefits of giving birth at home
- One-to-one midwifery care
- As many birth partners as you may want
- No travelling
- Not confined to one room
- Relaxing and comfortable environment
- High levels of satisfaction & feelings of control/empowerment
- More likely to have an uncomplicated vaginal birth (less disturbed, shorter, less intervention)
- Baby is more likely to breastfeed if this is how you choose to feed your baby
- Lower infection risk
- You can change your mind at any point and transfer to our Lotus or obstetric unit.
How do I request a homebirth?
If you decide to have your baby at home, a member of the Lotus Homebirth Team will contact you to discuss your antenatal (pregnancy) care and wishes for your birth.
Your community midwife can refer you or you can refer yourself to the team. To do this please email: [email protected] with your full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, NHS number, GP, number of previous pregnancies (if any), and your estimated due date. The team will respond to your email within 5 working days.
Feedback about home births in Leeds

Thank you for all your care. The homebirth was a really lovely experience for our family…calm, relaxed, peaceful…just perfect. We could not have wished for anything more.
Patient feedback
Just wanted to say a huge thank you. My home water birth was more amazing than we could have hoped and even though I needed a hospital visit after I felt safe and well looked after throughout.
Patient feedback
Contact the Leeds Homebirth Team
Your questions about homebirth
So you like the idea of homebirth but have a few more questions before you sign up? Below are some frequently asked questions:
Is homebirth safe?
Yes! The latest research says that homebirth is as safe as hospital birth for those who choose midwifery-led care and actually safer than hospital for midwifery-led second births onward.
Who can have a homebirth?
Home births are safest if you are considered ‘low risk’ or suitable for midwifery-led care which includes:
- Having a singleton pregnancy (one baby)
- Your baby is head down
- Your BMI is less than 35
- You have no medical problems
- You’ve had no pregnancy problems or concerns with previous births
- You are low risk when you go into labour
- Your labour starts after 37 weeks
- Your baby is growing normally
- Your labour starts within 24hrs after your waters break and they are clear
- Your observations (such as blood pressure and temperature) are normal and you are happy with your baby’s movements
What do I need for a homebirth?
We will arrange to call you between 34 and 36 weeks of your pregnancy to discuss your plans for birth and check that we understand your home environment (for example access, heating and if you are choosing to use a pool for birth). We will also discuss reasons that the Midwife attending your birth may suggest a transfer to hospital for additional care. If you would like to have this discussion in person this can be arranged in advance to discuss your plans with a Lotus Midwife at the LGI.
We will also go over some equipment that we suggest that you have for the birth.
The essentials are: towels, absorbent pads (eg. puppy training pads), waterproof covering (eg. tarpaulin or oil cloth), a bucket (in case you are sick) and a torch. Take a look at our equipment guide below for more suggestions.
Is it messy?
Not really. We set up an area for birth and although birth can sometimes be messy, we manage to contain this to your waterproof coverings and absorbent pads. Afterwards, it’s just a case of us bundling it up and into our waste bags. We take a lot of pride in leaving you with your house exactly how we found it.
What pain relief do I get at home?
A lot of what you can have can be sourced by yourself. This includes things like: paracetamol, hot water bottle/wheat bag, massage oil, TENS machine, birthing pool (can be bought or hired online). We can also order some dihydrocodiene tablets on your behalf for you to pick up from your GP. When the midwives arrive, we bring Entonox (gas and air) with us.
What happens after my baby is born?
- Feeding (both baby and mum!)
- Weigh and check over baby
- Checks of mum
- Your baby will be given Vitamin K if you’re happy
- Screening & tests for baby
- Tidying up!
- We will plan our next visits to see you and share support details
What are the reasons I might be transferred to hospital?
Transfer to hospital does sometimes happen when you’ve planned a homebirth. This is less likely if you’ve had a baby before. You will be taken to hospital by ambulance and your midwife and a birth partner will go with you. It’s important to prepare an overnight bag just in case this happens.
The most common reasons for hospital transfer are:
- Baby has an abnormal heart rate
- Abnormal observations (mum)
- Your progress in labour or maternal choice
- Heavy bleeding
- Meconium liquor – when your baby does a poo during labour and it is found in your amniotic fluid (waters)
- Retained placenta – this is when part of the placenta remains in the womb after giving birth
- Extensive suturing (stitches)
Emergencies don’t happen very often and problems usually develop with warning. All our midwives are trained to spot problems before they become an emergency and they carry emergency equipment and drugs.
Can I change my mind?
Of course! You can change your mind at any point during pregnancy or even in labour itself. We’re here to help provide a safe and positive experience at home and if you don’t feel right at home anymore then we’ll help transfer you to hospital instead.
Leeds Home Birth Support Group
The Home Birth Support Group has a Facebook group where you can share experiences and ask questions about having your baby at home. You can join here: Leeds Homebirth Support Facebook group.
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