This is an x-ray procedure used to look at different body systems. It uses x-ray dye to show the body part we need to see.

About the service
After passing through the body the x-ray beam is viewed by a special camera which produces a moving picture on a TV screen. This lets us watch the body as it works and the radiologist or radiographer performing the examination can take snapshot or moving images.
It also helps other health care practitioners with their patients, such as speech and language therapists working with patients who are having difficulty swallowing.
- Adult services: St James’s Hospital (Bexley Wing) and Leeds General Infirmary (Jubilee Wing)
- Paediatric service: Leeds General Infirmary (Clarendon Wing)
Service contact details
St. James’s University Hospital
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Fluoroscopy department (level 0, Bexley Wing)
Tel: 0113 2068932
Leeds General Infirmary – adults
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Fluoroscopy department (B Floor, Jubilee Wing)
Tel: 0113 3926675
Leeds General Infirmary – children
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Fluoroscopy department (B floor, Clarendon Wing)
Tel: 0113 3923777