The Unit consists of a team of experienced specialist healthcare professionals whose aim is to assess, treat, inform, involve and support you with your nerve injury. The overall aim is to maximise your recovery.
The nerve injury specialist team consists of:
- Professor Simon Kay
- Ms Grainne Bourke
- Ms Catherine Hernon
- Mr Robert Bains
- James Rankine
There are a team of physiotherapists based on L46 Clarendon Wing, LGI who have years of experience in managing nerve injuries. If you live out of the Leeds area they will liaise with your local physiotherapy team on the management of your injury.
Contact number: 0113 3922720 (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm).
Occupational therapists
There are a number of specialised occupational therapists who have experience of managing nerve injuries. They are based on L46 Clarendon Wing, LGI.
Contact number: 0113 3923272 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm).
Clinical Psychologists
There are a number of highly experienced clinical psychologists who can assist you with your injury:
- Dr Maggie Bellew
- Dr Andrea Brown
- Dr Louise Johnson
- Dr Rachel Mandela
Contact number: 0113 3923121 (Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm with answerphone).
Other organisations
Whilst we aim to provide you with the optimum care for your injury we are aware that you may need help from other people that have a similar injury to you.