What is ESD?
This is a more advanced and a complex technique of removal of large polyps in one piece. It is performed on polyps graded as either high risk of developing cancer or already harbouring cancer cells in the superficial layers of intestinal lining. The polyp along with the suspected area is removed as a single fragment. The advantage of this procedure over EMR is that it removes deeper layers of tissue which provides reassurance of clearance from the cancer cells.
What does ESD involve?
In Leeds we perform this procedure under general anaesthesia, so your fitness will be assessed prior to the procedure. After providing anaesthesia the procedure is similar to EMR to the point of injection of fluid underneath the polyp. Thereafter a small knife is used to cut carefully through the layers of the intestinal lining, cauterising blood vessels at the same time. The polyp is then retrieved as a single piece and sent to the lab for analysis. The procedure takes slightly longer compared to EMR. We intend to provide a day case service in most of the cases.
Risks involved with ESD
ESD is associated with the risks attached to general anaesthesia. There are also risks of perforation and bleeding and these will be discussed with you in person in the outpatient clinic and a leaflet will be provided to you.
What are the alternatives?
Surgical removal of the polyp is an alternative.
After the procedure
After undergoing ESD you will be given leaflets advising you about what to do if you need any help. We also provide our personal mobile numbers in case of emergency.
Who will perform the procedure?
ESDs are performed in Leeds by Dr Bjorn Rembacken and Dr Noor Mohammed.