What is consent?
Before you have an endoscopic procedure you will be asked to sign a consent form. This is something we are required to do in law and confirms that you agree to have the procedure and understand what it involves.
Before giving your consent the person referring you for the procedure will make every effort to explain the risks, benefits and alternatives. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask them any questions you may have regarding the procedure.
In addition you should also receive information leaflets about the consent process and the planned procedure. If this is an outpatient procedure this should be sent to you in the post with your appointment details. If you do not receive the necessary information please contact your referring team or the endoscopy pre-assessment team.
For patients in hospital, information should be provided to you by the ward team. If you have any questions or do not receive information please discuss this with the ward doctors and nurses before you attend for the procedure.
Please read all the information in the leaflets and on the consent form. If you have no questions or queries you can sign the consent form at home, otherwise this will be done prior to the test after you have had the opportunity to speak to a nurse or your endoscopist. Please bring the consent form with you to your appointment.
In the event of you requiring a very urgent or an emergency procedure, the consent process may be different from the above particularly if you require potentially lifesaving treatment, but we will always attempt to keep you informed of your options in advance of a procedure.
If you, or someone you care for, does not have the capacity to sign the consent form please let the pre-assessment nurses know, as there may be other steps we need to take prior to the procedure. This does not affect your, or the person you care for, rights to have the procedure in any way.