Having a hysteroscopy helps to investigate the cause of your symptoms.
What is an outpatient hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a technique which allows the doctor / nurse to look directly into your womb (uterus). A thin telescope called a hysteroscope is passed through the neck of the womb (cervix), into your womb. The inside of the womb can be viewed due to a small amount of clear fluid (saline) being passed down the hysteroscope to gently open the womb.
We recommend having something to eat 1 – 2 hours before your appointment time and to wear loose, comfortable clothing.
What happens at my appointment?
For more information about what happens at your appointment and the pain relief options available, please see our information leaflet:
Leaflet: having a hysteroscopyWhen will I know the results?
The doctor / nurse will explain the findings and plan on the day of the procedure. If a biopsy has been taken it may be several weeks before the results are available. You will be notified of the results by either telephone call or post, or a further visit to the outpatient department will be arranged.
For further advice
Please contact your GP (doctor), NHS 111 or the hospital for advice.