Welcome to the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Stroke Research Homepage.
Here at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals we are committed to providing patients who come into the hospital with a stroke, the opportunity to be involved in ground breaking research that might benefit not only themselves, but also the lives of others. We at the trust have the drive to become the global leader in clinical research and innovation.
We deliver cutting-edge research and innovation because we know that ambitious, state of the art, research-intensive institutions deliver a better clinical outcome for patients. We aim to always give a patient the opportunity to engage in high quality clinical research studies.
Within our department we are always running several projects at once which are actively recruiting participants, and these studies range from grant funded multicentre randomised trials, commercially run or privately funded trials, to the more common observational studies.
Our vision is for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to be a world leader in clinical research, developing new treatments which will – as quickly as possible – bring improvements for our patients.
If you would like a brief overview about the importance of research, please visit The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) by clicking on the link below.