Here you will find links to the currently open clinical trials which are ran within Stroke Research, our older closed Stroke Research trials and any upcoming trials which are going through the process of set up.
These pages will be updated whenever we have started a new trial or are in the early stages of set up.
Below is a link to a file which shows our current recruitment in all of our open trials. Further information on trials can be found in the open trials page of this website.
Here you will find a list of all of the current Open Clinical Trials that we are running within the Stroke Research Team. Should you wish to find out any more pieces of information about the trials, please send an email and we will answer your query.
Here you will find a list of all of the current Closed Clinical Trials that we are running within the Stroke Research Team. Should you wish to find out any more pieces of information about the trials, please send an email and we will answer your query.
Please click on any of the following links below to be taken straight to the clinical trial information.
Trial short title | R4VaD |
Trial long title | Rates, Risks and Routes to Reduce Vasular Dementia |
Trial outcome | To determine rates of cognitive impairment and dementia to at least two years after stroke, across a wide range of patients, stroke severities and subtypes, stratified by patient-related (age, premorbid and pre-stroke cognition, socioeconomic status, vascular risk factors, lifestyle) and stroke related (severity, ischaemic, haemorrhagic, lacunar v non-lacunar, imaging findings) factors. We will also perform mechanistic substudies (detailed neuroimaging, vascular function, high-sensitivity inflammatory markers and genetic analysis) and establish a well-characterised population consented for recontact for future studies. |
Chief investigator | Prof. Joanna Wardlaw |
Principle investigator | Dr. Ahamad Hassan |
Estimated start date | Early 2019 |
Project type | Non-Commercial |
More information | |
Trial short title | SIGNUM |
Trial long title | Stroke Investigation Network – Understanding Mechanisms |
Trial outcome | SIGNUM is an observational study that will recruit patients from stroke services including TIA clinics, HASU’s, ASU’s, rehabilitation facilities, GP’s and any other service that looks after such patients. We will also include patients who are at risk of stroke for example those with arterio-venous malformations, cavernomas or extra cranial vessel abnormalities. The main focus of which is on collecting genetic and biomarker data linked to data recorded as part a patient’s routine care, using the paper or electronic health record, however numerous projects are expected to emerge from the network. This model will enable the research to be embedded into routine clinical care, with the aim of being cost effective and time efficient. The longitudinal component of collecting functional outcomes will be embedded into routine follow up clinics, and where necessary supplemented by linking with GP records and/or postal/telephone/web based or routine and research clinic contact. Links to electronic health databases (HES, SSNAP, and CPRD, MINAP and similar data / disease registries) and routine clinical follow ups within clinical stroke services themselves will facilitate collection of hard endpoints of morbidity and mortality, disease specific endpoints and endpoints that may represent adverse reactions to medications used for the treatment and/ or prevention of stroke. |
Chief investigator | Dr. Reecha Sofat |
Principle investigator | Dr. Ahamad Hassan |
Estimated start date | Early 2019 |
Project type | Non-Commercial |
More Information | |