- Resources for young people who are anxious about the dentist. Also includes advice for parents & carers.
- Information about your child’s general anaesthetic. Also includes risks and resources for children and young people.
- Easy read resources with symbols to explain dental procedures. These resources are helpful for those with communication needs.
- Easy read resources with symbols to explain dental x-rays. These resources are helpful for those with communication needs.
- Advice and support for those with a learning disability who are accessing LTHT services.
- Advice and support for autistic patients or carers who are accessing LTHT services.
- Looking after your teeth. This information is for parents & carers of children with congenital heart disease.
- Common concerns about teeth in children with chromosome disorders.
- British Society of Paediatric Dentistry leaflets. This information includes advice on preventing tooth decay, advice for parents of children with autism and more information about silver diamine fluoride.
Useful links
Contact details for Paediatric Dentistry
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