Leeds Dental Institute is again accepting routine referrals. Patients that are accepted for assessment will be offered either telephone or face to face appointments. Unless specified below, all referrals are subject to standard protocol.
Changes to oral surgery referrals
Referrals for minor oral surgery will only be accepted for patients resident in the LS and WF3 postcodes. All other patients should be referred to their local referral centre.
We are currently open for TMJ referrals from the Leeds and Bradford catchment areas, however the service is limited to telephone advice and guidance. All patients need to have been recently assessed and referral should be in line with our treatment flowchart: Leeds Dental Institute Referral Protocols.
All referrals should include a recent pain score and indication of function including gape, lateral deviation and chewing ability. Wherever possible referrals should be from the General Dental Practitioner and we would ask General Medical Practitioners and other specialities to direct the patients to them for initial assessment and guidance. Referrals will only be accept from GMPs when the patient is not registered with a dental practiceâ.
How to refer a patient to the Leeds Dental Institute:
This section contains information on how to refer a patient to the Leeds Dental Institute for specialist treatment.
The NHS Leeds Dental Referral Protocols document provides a clinical framework and guidance for dental practitioners when referring a dental patient.
If you are referring a dental patient, please note that the responsibility for making an appropriate referral rests with the referring healthcare professional.
Referrals to Leeds Dental Institute for the services listed below must be made via the Yorkshire & Humber Online Referral System:
- Oral Surgery
- Oral and Maxillofacial Service
- Oral Medicine
- Orthodontics
You can access this service and comprehensive guidance via https://www.dental-referrals.org/
For all other referral types, please complete and submit the relevant form below as per the guidelines in Leeds Dental Institute Referral Protocols. Forms must be completed as per this protocol or it may result in the return of the referral and/or subsequent delay in the provision of treatment.