Where can I find a declaration form for a rejected sample?
Declaration forms can be downloaded from the link below.
Microbiology forms should be delivered by hand, via the POD system or by email at [email protected].
What specimen container should I use for my sample?
downloadable poster for correct sample types for Microbiology (103kB)
How do I order specimen containers?
Consumables are ordered from the Pathology Supplies Team.
How do I use an eSwab?
Single pack eSwabs are used for bacterial culture. A downloadable guide on how to use these swabs.
A downloadable guide on how to use these swabs. (1MB)
Multipacks are available for MRSA screening. These should not be used for other bacterial culture tests.
When using eSwabs it is important to remember:
- Liquid must remain in the tube. This is what is tested in the laboratory
- The white swab must be broken off into the liquid in the tube. When the swabs arrive in the laboratory the material captured on the swab will be dispersed into the liquid
- When screening for MRSA the pink swabs should be discarded after the material has been inserted into the liquid media
How do I add on a test?
It is possible in some cases to add tests to samples already in the laboratory. Time limits may apply dependent on sample stability. Initial contact may be made with the laboratory by telephone but a separate request form should also be sent.
How do I send histological samples for TB PCR?
Ideally send 8-10 x 10 um shavings in a sterile container. Please phone 0113 392 3929 if further discussion required. A downloadable form and instructions for submitting these samples can be found here: Request form for Bacterial PCR tests