You can register for free online resources provided by Leeds City Council and Carers UK. This includes:
- About Me: an e-learning resource that helps carers identify and build networks of support and promotes their self-care.
- Jointly: a care co-ordination app for people sharing care.
- The role of good nutrition when caring for someone: an e-learning course that aims to help carers understand the role of nutrition both for themselves as well as the person they are looking after.
- Upfront Guide to Caring: a simple assessment tool to guide people new to caring or seeking support for the first time to navigate the Carers UK website.
- Looking after someone: this guide outlines your rights as a carer and where to go for financial or practical help.
- Being Heard: a self-advocacy guide for carers.
Carers Leeds – Carers Leeds is an independent charity based in Leeds that gives support, advice and information to unpaid carers aged 16 and over.
Carers UK – Carers UK is a national charity that gives advice, information and support to carers. Their ‘Looking After Someone’ guide is a great starting point for advice and support.
NHS Choices – Your guide to care and support – Contains information for carers and people who have or will have care and support needs
Carers Trust – Carers Trust is a charity working to improve support, services and recognition for unpaid carers.
Carers Direct Helpline – You can call the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053 if you need help with your caring role and want to talk to someone about what options are available to you. The website also contains information on how you can contact them if you are deaf, hard of hearing, speech-impaired or if English is not your first language.
Leeds Directory – Leeds Directory is a source of information on a wide range of services and organisations which can be accessed online or via their telephone help line 0113 391 8333.
John’s Campaign – A campaign that asks carers of people with dementia to be welcomed and invited to stay with the person they care for is they so wish.
Leeds Commitment to Carers – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has signed up to the Leeds Commitment to Carers.
Counselling Directory – a nationwide directory of professional counsellors and psychotherapists
The Leeds Carers Partnership – The Leeds Carers Partnership champions the needs of carers and aims to influence the way that services are planned and delivered in response to the needs of carers
Touchstone Support – Providing mental health and wellbeing services whilst working across communities to grow their confidence and capacity to demand the services and positive experiences they are entitled to.
Care Act 2014 – The Care Act 2014 sets out in one place, local authorities’ duties in relation to assessing people’s needs and their eligibility for publicly funded care and support.
Healthwatch Leeds – Healthwatch Leeds brings the voices and experiences of local people to influence the decisions made in their health and care. Healthwatch Leeds uses citizens voices and experiences to work to influence planners, decision makers and service providers in Leeds.
Green Doctor – The Green Doctors offer free, impartial advice to help take control of bills, save energy where possible in the home, and access other services and initiatives available.
Information for Carers of People with Various Needs
Action on Hearing Loss – “From day-to-day-care, to practical information, to campaigning for a fairer world for people with hearing loss, and funding research to find a cure, we’re taking action on hearing loss.”
Age UK – “Age UK’s vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. We do this by inspiring, supporting and enabling in a number of ways.”
Alzheimer’s Society – Alzheimer’s Society is a national charity for people with dementia and their carers.
BME Dementia Service – Provides specialist support to people living with memory problems or a diagnosis of dementia and their carers from ethnic minorities.
DALES (Deaf Across Leeds Enablement Service) – DALES provides a range of support services for deaf, hard of hearing and deaf blind adults living in Leeds.
Dementia UK – Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through their Admiral Nurse service.
Caring for someone with dementia at home – a resource pack for Carers
Caring for someone at End of Life – The Trust’s SUPPORT campaign aims to raise awareness of the things we can do to make the relatives experience a little bit easier, from offering care parking permits, comfort care packs and open visiting to providing refreshments and explaining where to get something to eat.
LEEP1 – LEEP1 is a Leeds based self-advocacy group for people with learning disabilities.
Mencap – Mencap is a leading UK charity for people with learning disabilities and their families.
Refresh Carers – Refresh Carers will develop the capacity and skills of unpaid parent carers of children, young people and adults with disabilities and long-term health conditions in Leeds and West Yorkshire. Refresh Carers provide tailored support including workshops and one-to-one sessions.
Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) – RAD is a charity providing a wide range of services for Deaf people.
Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB) – The RNIB is the UK’s leading charity supporting blind and partially sighted people.
This is me – A leaflet designed by the Alzheimer’s Society and Royal College of Nursing to support people with Dementia or Alzheimer’s who are in an unfamiliar place.
Young Carers
Leeds Young Carers Support Service – We provide specialist information, advice and support for young carers, their families and the organisations and staff working with them. Our overall aim by doing so is to improve the wellbeing of young carers in Leeds.
Family Action – Family Action transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.
Willow Young Carers Service – Willow is a support service for young carers aged 5-18 years old living in Leeds.
Barnardos – As one of the UK’s leading children’s charities, Barnardo’s works directly with 248,000 children, young people, parents and carers every year.
NHS Choices – Young Carers Rights – Contains lots of useful information for young carers
Carers Trust: About Young Carers – Information and support for young carers from the national charity the Carers Trust.
The Children’s Society: Young Carers – The Children’s Society campaign for change, promote best practice with central and local government, and work in partnership with key workers to support young carers.
Sibs – Sibs is a charity for siblings of disabled children and adults