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Fertility assessment
We are here to help you achieve your goal of having a baby with sensible advice and appropriate tests, with seamless referral to a specialist fertility clinic – CARE Fertility Leeds. We know that trying to get pregnant and not succeeding is frustrating and our expert staff are here to try to make your fertility journey as stress free as possible.
We know that about 1 in 6 couples have trouble conceiving. Even if there is nothing wrong, it is not unusual for it to take up to two years to succeed. For most people, testing is not necessary until at least a year has passed with couples trying to conceive through regular intercourse.
There are simple things that you can do to try to increase your chances of success, and some things that would mean seeking help earlier sensible.
Basic fertility testing
When the time comes to run some tests, your GP can get things started. If you would prefer to see a specialist privately from the start, you can contact Care Fertility Leeds directly on 0113 521 6800 or see more information on their website: CARE Fertility UK.
It is rare that there is one single reason why pregnancy is not happening. The most common causes are:
- Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
- Irregular monthly cycles (infrequent or absent egg release/ovulation) e.g. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Reducing ovarian (egg) reserve (natural ageing, endometriosis, past surgery)
- Sperm problems (quantity and/or quality)
For men, basic fertility tests are:
- Sperm analysis – this is always done as part of the investigations process. You will be asked to provide a sample on site in a discrete private room, by masturbation into a small sterile pot
- Sexual health screening urine test (chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing)
For women, basic fertility tests are:
- Blood tests – day 1 to 3 of a cycle (whilst bleeding) to check for certain types of hormone levels
- Rubella (German measles) immunity confirmation: you must have a record (with your GP) of receiving 2 doses of the rubella vaccine (MMR) OR have a blood test to check you are immune to rubella. Contact with rubella in pregnancy for a woman who is not immune could infect the baby and cause blindness and other disabilities
- Vitamin D blood level
- Vaginal examination tests:
– Sexual health screening vaginal swab (chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing).
– Up to date cervical screening smear test.
– Pelvic ultrasound baseline scan – this is performed internally (vaginally) to make sure there are no interfering factors such as fibroids (swellings in the muscle of the womb), polyps (overgrowths of womb lining), ovarian cysts (such as endometriosis) or swollen fallopian tubes. The scan will also assess ovarian (egg) reserve by looking for egg sacs (follicles) that are getting ready to develop mature eggs in the coming months.
Guide to increasing the chances of getting pregnant naturally
Baby girls are born with a fixed supply of eggs. During each natural female monthly cycle, a woman releases one egg from one ovary from this supply. The egg takes two weeks to get ready to be released (ovulated) when it is picked up by the fallopian tube and carried towards the womb. It meets the sperm in the tube and fertilisation happens here. The embryo (fertilised egg) then attaches to the womb lining that has prepared to receive it. A baby then develops. The process is coordinated by hormones (natural chemical messages). More information and advice about increasing your chances of getting pregnant is available below:
Fertility and age
A woman’s fertility is quite closely related to her age. She is most fertile in her 20s and early 30s. For all women, fertility naturally falls in their later 30’s and 40’s which can make it harder to get pregnant naturally. By the age of 35 years, the average woman has lost 85% of the eggs she was born with. Most women still have plenty left. IVF treatment does not affect (improve) egg quality but it can increase the number of eggs available to be fertilised at a given time.
Other reasons for low egg count
Some women have fewer eggs than average at birth and some women lose their eggs more rapidly in their younger years. There may be inherited (genetic) reasons for this and / or it can be caused by past illness or lifestyle choices such as smoking. There are tests that can help to predict a woman’s egg reserve and her likely response to / success with IVF treatment.
Timing and frequency of sex
Women with 28 day menstrual cycles start their period on day 1 and ovulate on day 14. In order for the sperm to be ready for the egg when it is released, you should start having sex on day 9 to 10 and every couple of days until day 20. This ensures a steady supply of sperm. You do not need to be too precise and it is not helpful to put yourself or your partner under pressure. It is also important not to avoid ejaculation for long periods of time (more than 5 to 7 days) to keep the sperm moving.
If your cycle is longer or shorter than 28 days you should adjust the interval forward or backward accordingly. For example, if your cycle is 30 days, you start trying on day 11 and finish on day 22.
If your cycle is 25 to 35 days apart you are highly likely to be ovulating and you do not need to test yourself for this every month. This can also cause more stress which is unnecessary.
This graph may help you understand your ovulation cycle.
Smoking and alcohol
Stop smoking completely. Reduce alcohol intake to a minimum for both men and women. No safe limit has been identified so no alcohol consumption is advised.
Women should be vaccinated against Rubella (German measles) or have their immunity confirmed.
Cervical smear test
Women should have an up to date, normal cervical screening smear test.
Dietary supplements
Women should be taking folic acid (vitamin B) supplement at 400 micrograms daily and for at least the first three months of pregnancy. Some women with other health issues (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy) need a higher dose (5mg) which their GP should prescribe. Vitamin D 3-4000 units supplement is also recommended ideally in a spray under your tongue.
Over-the-counter ‘multivitamins for pregnancy’ contain both of these recommended supplements. However, the Vitamin D is at a lower dose (usually 1000 units) so we recommend you take an additional supplement as above.
Both partners should aim for normal body weight for their height. Women in particular, should aim for a body mass index (BMI) 19 to 25kg/m2, and absolutely under 30kg/m2 to access NHS-funding. You will be encouraged to gain weight if you are underweight, and NHS funding is only available if your BMI is greater than 19 Kg/m2.
Calculate your BMIPregnancy is less successful and more risky at heavier weights. Pregnancy is also more dangerous with a higher risk of blood pressure problems and diabetes in heavier mothers. In women who are underweight, babies can also be underweight leading to complications such as early delivery (prematurity). Achieving a normal body weight can improve your chances of a natural pregnancy as well as a better chance of having a baby if you need to have treatment.
A healthy, varied diet with minimal processed foods, and regular physical exercise are helpful for overall health, weight management and stress reduction.
Discuss any other medication you take with your GP and specialist(s) to ensure any risks to yourself (from other medical conditions) and to your up-coming pregnancy/baby are minimised.
Consider carefully the use of complementary therapies. Acupuncture is not known to be harmful and many patients find it helps with managing stress. Other supplements that have not undergone conventional medicine testing are not recommended.
Warning: Performance-enhancing (muscle-building) drugs that may contain testosterone (Steroids) should be avoided at all costs as these destroy natural sperm production.
Make time for yourself to relieve stress and sleep well.
Fertility treatment options
We work closely with CARE Fertility Leeds and, if necessary, can refer you to the team for specialist treatment.
Ovulation induction
Male Infertility
Frozen Embryo treatment
Receiving and giving donor eggs or sperm
There are a number of reasons why people may want to use donor eggs or sperm. It could be because there are issues with the quality of their own egg or sperm. Same sex couples who want a child may also consider using donated egg or sperm.
Fertility preservation
For clinician use only: for urgent referrals, please complete our referral form and send to the email address as directed on the form.
Urgent referrals: Fertility Preservation Referral Form
Preservation of fertility is possible for men and women, girls and teenage boys. There are many reasons why this might be offered or requested and different ways to do it. Please get in touch if you are interested in any aspect of fertility preservation.
If you are a young person (or the parent of a young person) and have been advised to have treatment for a serious condition (such as a cancer) that could affect the ability to have children in the future, you may have been advised to think about ‘storing fertility’.
If you are considering delaying starting a family and want to know more about freezing your eggs please contact Care Fertility Leeds. More information can be found at Egg freezing | HFEA or you may find this documentary helpful: BBC – Egg Freezing and Me.
Genetic testing
There are various reasons why genetic testing can be used alongside your IVF treatment. There are two common types of genetic testing of embryos available:
Early pregnancy loss
The loss of a pregnancy is always distressing and can be devastating if you have been trying to get pregnant for a while. We are here to help you understand why you have experienced early pregnancy loss. You may find the information below helpful in understanding more about early pregnancy loss.