We support the Medical Retina clinics with Specialist Optometrists involved in assessing and managing patients in the Medical Retina clinics at St. James’s University hospital.
Our Specialist Optometrists involved in these clinics have either a further qualification in medical retina, diabetic screening and/or Independent prescribing.
The Medical Retina team diagnoses, monitors and treats conditions that affect the lining of the back of the eye, called the retina. Common conditions include age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion and inherited retinal diseases.
The team comprises Ophthalmologists and non-medical, Retina Specialist Practitioners, Specialist Optometrists and Medical Illustration staff.
When required, treatment options for retinal conditions most often involve laser, drugs and/or surgery. A number of conditions are treated by injections of drugs into the eye itself. These not only help to stabilise vision but can also improve vision in some cases. At present the injection service is located in the Macular Treatment Suite at Seacroft Hospital.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
To be seen in the clinic you must usually be referred by your GP, optometrist or ophthalmologist.
These clinics run throughout the week in the main Eye clinic at St. James’s University Hospital and on Friday afternoons at Wharfedale General Hospital.
Optometric support is provided on Thursday morning for a virtual medical retina clinic at the main eye clinic at St. James’s University Hospital and on Friday afternoons at Wharfedale General Hospital.
Waiting times
Please be aware that you may have a series of examinations from a range of clinicians and your appointment may take up to two hours to be completed from the time your appointment is booked.
Watch the video below about one person’s age related macular degeneration journey.