The Wetherby Eye Clinic provides a Consultant led Adult NHS Community Ophthalmology Service, in a unique partnership between Leeds Teaching Hospitals Eye department and Appleson Optometrists, a community optometry practice in Wetherby.
This service is provided by a team of Specialist Optometrists and Consultant Ophthalmologists who also work at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.
Specialist Optometrists:

Ann Barrett MSc MCOptom DipGlauc DipTp(IP)

Paul Appleson MSc MCOptom DipGlauc DipTp(IP)
Mr Peter Galloway MBBS, BMedSci, FRCOphth
Prof Bernie Chang BSc, MBChB, FRCSEd (Ophth), FRCOphth
The Wetherby Eye clinic visiting Consultant Ophthalmologists, Mr Peter Galloway and Professor Bernie Chang, offer monthly clinics, for more complex cases or if assessment for surgery is required.
Feedback: Can be provided direct to referring clinicians, including community optometrists via an account
As part of the Leeds Any Qualified Provider ‘AQP’ Ophthalmology network, GPs and community optometrists can refer patients directly for a range of non-urgent eye conditions, allowing patients to be seen closer to home and usually much sooner than waiting for a hospital appointment.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
To be seen in the clinic you must usually be referred by your GP, optometrist or ophthalmologist. Patients must be over 17.
Referral options for GPs and Optometrists
- E-refer (C&B): ‘Glaucoma and General Ophthalmology – Wetherby Eye Clinic’
- Secure email: [email protected]
- Fax: 01937 589848
- Post: Wetherby Eye Clinic, 43 Market Place, Wetherby LS22 6LN
Here is a copy of the direct referral form to this service for community optometrists.
Outside area referrals: Although originally set up for patients within the Leeds (including Wetherby) NHS area, the Wetherby Eye clinic is now able to see patients who are registered with GPs outside the area e.g. Harrogate, York.
The Wetherby Eye clinic cannot offer hospital transport to and from the clinic, although some elderly Wetherby patients are eligible for ‘WiSE’ transport.
Conditions treated
- Glaucoma/ ocular hypertension
- External eye disease/ blepharitis
- Cysts, chalazions and other eyelid lesions excluding those with malignancy concerns – monthly minor ops clinic available
- Watery and dry eyes
- Non-acute flashes and floaters (i.e. >2 weeks)
- Retinal and optic disc problems excluding emergencies
- Dry age-related macular degeneration
- Non-neurological blurred vision
- Pigmented iris and retinal lesions
- Painful eyes
- Visual field loss
- Other miscellaneous non urgent general ophthalmology conditions
- 16 years of age and under
- Cancer
- Acute visual field loss
- Acute neurological
- Paediatrics
- Strong suspicion of wet ARMD
- Strong suspicion of keratoconus
- Urgent A&E care e.g. red eye/diplopia/acute flashes and floaters/foreign bodies
- Eye motility problems
- Cataract with no other pathology should be referred direct to surgical providers
Normally these clinics run throughout the week in the Wetherby Eye Clinic, 43 Market Place, Wetherby LS22 6LN.
There is more information about this service.on the Wetherby Eye clinic webpage (this is an external website)